Science of Skill: Rafa and Gui Mendes on: Innovation

“Be Like Water” – Bruce Lee [as re-posted by Rafa / Gui Mendes]

I came across an insightful article from the Science of Skill who had interviewed the Rafa and Guillerme Mendes back in March of 2012.

Essentially, they’re committed to finding a better way, an easier way, to do anything, or to beat anyone. They (Rafa/Gui Mendes) don’t like the idea of grinding away at a method just for the sake of hard work. What sets them apart is their overall orientation towards training – which tends to be:

Maximum Physical Training + Maximum Strategic Planning + Maximum Feedback Intake

What I found interesting in the above formula was the element of Maximum Feedback Intake.

From what I could grasp, this is referring to the ability to obtain FEEDBACK through the methods available at ones disposal within the realm of BJJ: this includes feedback from training partners, and your peers/coaches when drilling or sparring.

Feedback can also be derived from your opponents, ala competition; it is a great idea to video tape sparring/competition sessions and review with those who are knowledgeable.

The other 2 aspects of the formula are fairly self-explanatory, and justifiable in terms of requisites for success: (1) Maximum Physical Training is an integral aspect of the sport; (2) Strategic Planning can’t be avoided at higher levels of the game.

Where one is weak, pay close attention; ask yourself the following: What is impeding you from being successful? What are your obstacles? What sort of action or mental ‘shifts’ do you need to take to ensure a greater degree of success?

What is success? In BJJ, success can be attributed to how well you can control your opponent, to the point where a submission can be applied, and successfully finished, while efficiently managing your endurance/cardiovascular, and risk for being controlled or submitted throughout. The level at which you can ‘flow’ and ‘dominate’ (so to speak), requires a sharp mind, and well-rounded skill-set.

The rest of the interview is insightful and a true testament to how well Rafa/Gui have managed to become cutting edge practitioners, and competitors, using the resources available at their disposal.

For the full article, visit the Science of Skill.


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