Yoga for BJJ with Sebastian Brosche (

While being an ambassador within the BJJ community, some may not have realized much of Sebastian Brosche’s ability in the art of Jiu Jitsu (as well as his recovery) stems from the practice of Yoga – as he makes his mark within the ancient practice.

I had an opportunity to catch up with the BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) and Judoka brown belt from Sweden >> You can skip to the interview here or visit his website at (

Yoga for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) with Sebastian Brosche (

Yoga for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) with Sebastian Brosche (

Sebastian’s achievements in recent years within BJJ have pitted him at the peak of Europe’s top practitioners; with victories in Abu Dhabi, invitational tournaments (such as the Toukon challenge), and placing at the 2015 IBJJF Europeans (second in the adult, brown-belt middle-weight division and third in absolute).

His appearances on social media (facebook, instagram, youtube) have further won fans over, posting latest match videos, and Yoga Flows while occasionally shedding light onto pressing issues (such as the treatment of animals for food); he is one of a growing number of BJJ practitioners/athletes following a vegetarian (or plant-based) diet.

Discussion with Sebastian Brosche:

How often do you drill BJJ technique, spar rounds, practice yoga, or lift weights/condition per week.

Sebastian: I train yoga 3-5 sessions, BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) 2-3 sessions and weightlifting once a week. I am prioritizing work now, but am aiming to double everything next year.

There are many types of Yoga. Which type(s) in particular do you practice and why?

Sebastian: I practice Vinyasa Flow Yoga (moving with the breathe), since it is the most dynamic and strength building yoga I know. It gives me better fitness, isometric strength, improved balance, more flexibility and many other things.

For the young BJJ Practitioner, what age would you recommend practice of Yoga?

Sebastian: The earlier the better – absolutely. The problem with kids is that they are already flexible by nature, and recover from injuries very fast, so for them it is usually difficult to see the advantages of Yoga practice [in these early stages]. Also, the results you get from yoga are perhaps a bit more subtle than those you may get from weightlifting or drilling techniques, but if a young person practices yoga regularly it will benefit them immensely.

How and why do you feel Yoga translates over to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (or all sports for that matter).

Sebastian: My simple answer is that Yoga actually gives you more energy. Or rather, you eventually learn how to conserve energy and not waste it. For me, it is impossible to not gain benefits in strength, balance and flexibility, given the challenging sequences I [or one may] do; when you are completely present in your Yoga practice, your focus, concentration and the quality of movements also increase. It is impossible for me to describe how good this is for sports; it simply has to be experienced.

Have you been on any ventures to parts of India or Thailand or ‘other’?

No, I have not. For me Yoga is a compliment to my life and not my lifestyle. My fiancée and I are always staying a couple of weeks after the IBJJF Worlds in California to go to as many different yoga classes as possible, and that is always eye opening. If you find yourself in Santa Monica, go to a few classes. You will not regret it!

Do you believe Yoga allows us to obtain a more peaceful state of being?

Sebastian: Yes, I wholeheartedly believe that a conscious yoga practice allows us to remove fluctuations of the mind and find a more serene and harmonious state of existence. A world of peace and love is far from impossible, as long as we all start where we are, and avoid procrastination and fooling ourselves.

Do you believe in concepts such as the chakra, karma, spirit and the soul?

Sebastian: Belief is the right word, since esoteric questions (or rather, inquires) has no proof or definite answer. I believe that “karma” is our own conscience, and that we deep down always know if what we do is good or bad for others. If we do bad choices that hurt others, we will unconsciously find a way to punish ourselves. I do not know anything about the concepts of chakras, or energy centers. Regarding spirit and soul, I do believe that there is one part of our being that is beyond living and dying, and that when our body is finished, we in a way return to where we started. I am not anxiously afraid of dying, and I like to believe that death is the crescendo of life. At least that is a comforting thought for me.

What are your future plans in terms of Jiu Jitsu, your Yoga practice, and

Sebastian: I am determined to win Abu Dhabi Pro and Worlds in brown. After that we will see if my Yoga is ready to be taken to the next level in terms of strength and challenges. Waking up early and going to bed early is for sure the biggest factor in this. As for, my goal is post several videos every week, and to even work with it full time. Members of the website are constantly sending me good feedback, so it is definitely worth the work!

Here’s an advanced video compilation, displaying Sebastian’s abilities through the practice of Yoga:


As mentioned, Sebastian not only practices Yoga regularly, but operates a website called Yoga for BJJ (, where he demo’s beginner, intermediate, and advanced exercises related to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – but suitable for any level of athlete. This is done using specific Yoga flows and vinyasa’s (the act of moving with the breathe) as well as teaching stretches for recovery, and injury prevention.

The videos for the premium membership ($14.00 (US) or $17.50 (CAN) / month) give you full access to videos: to further strength, movement and flexibility along with pre-competition and post training routines.

Yoga for BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) with Sebastian Brosche (

Yoga for BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) with Sebastian Brosche (


MUNDIAL ABU DHABI 2013 – Kit James Dale x Sebastian Brosche by X-COMBAT

Rickson Gracie in particular, touted the effectiveness of Yoga throughout his career, in increasing ones Brazilian Jiu Jitsu capabilities – let alone, the importance of the breathe as a means of conserving energy, maintaining focus and managing stress levels. Eddie Bravo and many other BJJ practitioners further emphasize the importance of Yoga style stretching.

Yoga for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) with Sebastian Brosche (


Yoga For BJJ (

Yoga For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ): Sebastian Brosche

If you haven’t heard of Sebastian Brosche’s new Yoga website – Yoga for BJJ players (“Yoga Hytta”) – I urge you to take a look.

YOGA FOR BJJ - Sebastian Brosche

YOGA FOR BJJ – Sebastian Brosche

Sebastian himself, is a top BJJ player, having taken on, and beaten the likes of Kit Dale (Sebastian in Abu Dhabi 2013, BJJ Trials), and Joao Miyao (Sebastian in Worlds 2013 Absolute) to name a few.

His top game features pressure passing, while his guard game is robust – both of which, are a testament to his hard work > awareness and athletic ability.

After watching his Yoga videos, you can see why he is such an effective practitioner – in a sport such as Jiu Jitsu – the body requires attention/maintenance to continue on at a high level.

Here’s a video (teaser), displaying a more advanced Yoga flow, by Sebastian himself – released recently:

Membership/registration opens up access to roughly 22 videos and counting – of which contain a plethora of information on opening up the hips, hamstrings, ankles, shoulders, warm-ups for competition, cool-down after training… you name it.

As noted on

Benefits of a regular Yoga practice include:

  • Greatly Improved guard game
  • Lesser or no injuries
  • Mental calmness in tournaments
  • Better stamina and deeper breath
  • Move smoother with less effort
  • Higher awareness of your body
  • Longer endurance in submission attempts
  • Sharper focus and presence in a match
  • Stronger Core muscles
  • Increase your training-amount
  • Faster restoration and less fatigue
  • Better submission resistance
  • Better Balance, sweep-defense & Base

I’ve got my membership ($14.00 (CAN) / Month) and to help deal with hip and shoulder problems, have taken away some great stretch’s from Sebastian’s teachings.

If practiced daily, the benefits are resounding – and do not require a $100 membership at your nearest Yoga studio. You can practice in the luxury of your own home, or even in the sauna – once you’ve gotten the flow of content Sebastian presents.

The “Spirit of Jiu Jitsu” – With Nic Gregoriades (Roger Gracie Black Belt)

Here is a very unique and introspective video into the “Spirit of Jiu Jitsu” – a production made by Jiu Jitsu filmmaker Stuart Cooper and Roger Gracie black belt, Nic Gregoriades.

In this short documentary, Nic shares his philosophies on life and Jiu Jitsu, discusses the ‘Soul Rolling’ sparring method (play vs. war), and how his discovery of yoga has revolutionized his training.

Interestingly enough, Nic has had experiences with Ayuascha – a well known, ancient and divine psychedelic taken notably in the jungles of the Amazon; he discusses his vision’s while on the sacred plant (around 3:05 of the video), one which has rekindled his passion to teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu today.

Nic also discusses the importance of maintaining mind and body: “Jiu Jitsu always comes second to improving the vehicle” – furthermore, emphasizing the importance of Yoga, a practice he has acquired by observing and learning from the great Rickson Gracie.